network kokoda dinner

Link Property Services are proud to support Network Kokoda and are honoured to have attended their Gala Dinner commemorating the 74th Anniversary of the defeat of the invading forces in the Battle of Isurava on the Kokoda Trail. Network Kokoda are committed to assisting the local PNG people develop their own self sufficiency including the [...]

2024-04-26T14:35:09+10:00By |Comments Off on network kokoda dinner

client generosity – link presents cheque to randwick children’s hospital

Link Property Services were pleased to be able to raise over $1,100 for the Sydney Children’s Hospital as a result of the generosity showed at our State of Origin function — with Mark Cadman, Matthew Herrett, Jeff Pond, Artie Kalpidis and Chris Sully at Randwick Children’s Hospital. 

2017-05-03T22:41:01+10:00By |Comments Off on client generosity – link presents cheque to randwick children’s hospital
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